2 weeks from today! I've been contacting on and off. They have added another medication to get the contractions to stop. So far, so good. It could, however, be "game over" at any point.
They have been paying close attention to my uterine wall and my classical scar. It remains a good thickness.
35 weeks! This means, born today I have a shot of having a take home baby! That's the ultimate goal: No NICU!
There are a lot of ways I've been counting down this pregnancy. One way is obviously in counting down the days and weeks. I also have been getting weekly progesterone injections. I get 20 injections from 16 weeks on. I finished my final one today! Success!
My mom is scheduled to fly in next week with an open ended ticket and the promise not to leave until I have things "under control".
My mom also asks me every week to post a pic of me pregnant. I have not one picture of my pregnant with the twins. So here goes...