This blog is to chronicle the ups and downs of life with one medically complex toddler, one angel baby and one high risk pregnancy. This is our journey.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

There's no place like HOME

After almost a week in the hospital everyone is home and healthy. Alex is back on every 4 hours Albuterol. yes, waking up at midnight AND 4 am :( He still has a cough but his lungs sound much better. They kept him last night just to make sure his o2 sats didn't drop. (this is even though I BEGGED with my most convincing arguments that there was nothing they were doing there we couldn't do at home! After all, I'm running an ICU over here!) He is also on a steroid breathing treatment and antibiotics for the next 5 days. He's been tolerating his feeds for 3 days now after vomiting 2 days straight (weds and Thursday) He's 95% better. He was horrible to put to bed tonight. He usually just rolls over and goes to sleep. Tonight he needed me to rub his back for 15mins. Then when I left he would realize I was gone and FREAK out. I stayed at the hospital and slept next to his bed for 5 nights. Last night I thought he was down for the night so I left at 7pm...maybe I should have stayed one more night?
Lauren is great. OT saw her today and got her up on hands and knees with her head up for 30 whole seconds. This is HUGE. A month ago I though "just forget crawling, lets just walk" It seems some crawling may be in our future... I have now made it so anyone can comment. I love to hear how great the twins look...especially from those of you who knew them when they should have been fetuses. It's encouraging and helps me to continue the most important job of my life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. We love to hear how the kids are growing and changing each and every day. And you are right, being a Mother is the biggest, most challenging, and most rewarding job you will ever have :) We need a pic of Lauren on all fours!!
