This blog is to chronicle the ups and downs of life with one medically complex toddler, one angel baby and one high risk pregnancy. This is our journey.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Really? come on now!

Both the twins are now in the PICU. Right next door to each other. Alex is still struggling to breathe. He's on 40% o2 with 8L of vapotherm. Not much more room for him to get worse without getting on the vent. He did sleep much better last night. He didn't sleep at all on Weds night. He just thrashed around a cried ALL night. It was very sad.
Lauren is getting Albuterol every 2 hours and is much more comfortable than her brother. We hope she gets released here soon.

1 comment:

  1. We're all praying here for our cousins Lauren and Alex. Get well soon so you can come out for a visit!


    Evan and Abby
