We have SO much to be thankful for. Just this time last year I never would have pictured where we are today. Alex is currently napping and resting up for his grandma from Florida to fly in to visit tomorrow! Their great Aunt Nancy is also coming this weekend! I'm THANKFUL for all the help!
We are going to do Christmas cards for this year! I usually use shutterfly to do my cards. I'm pretty excited about this years card I don't want to give it away but lets just say it should be pretty cute! Just the kids and the dogs will be in the picture...I figure you already know what I look like and I don't change much from year to year. Everyone just wants to see the babies! Once we order from Shutterfly the cards gets shipped fast so expect your card in the next two weeks. I also usually do a Shutterfly calender every year. I think it's fun to have the kids pitcures on every one AND there are SO many people in my family it's great to insert a picture to keep up with it all! www.shutterfly.com/calenders have a fun selection AND it's usually what I end up gett my mom as a gift too!
Alex has been doing better with his feeds but it's still not great. I'm THANKFUL he eats enough to grow. Lauren is doing better and better. Nick bought her a bunch of outfits that have pants for the cooler weather...I keep saying she doesn't wear pants because her body is 24 month size but her legs and arms are that of a 12 month old. He arms are so short compared to the rest of her body when she got to Riley last June they actually called in a pediatric geneticist to make sure her chromosomes were alright. We were worried because Nick's parents are first cousins. But luckily everything is just fine. I call them her T-Rex arms. Slowly but surely she is growing into them. I'm THANKFUL one of our nurses took the time to shorten all the arms and legs to fit her perfectly! Now if everyone can just stay healthy! Pray for trach trials in the New Year!
I love this pic of the 3 of you! It looks so chaotic...just like life on a daily basis :)