You might have noticed the advertisements on my blog. Supposedly, I will get paid based on number of page views and more if you actually click on an ad. They pick the ads based on the content of my blog. It cracked me up this morning when I saw an ad for "cervical length measurements". Perfect.
I told Alex a long time ago about the new baby. Alex, of course, didn't tell anyone. The good news is he loves babies. Yesterday he saw a baby and actually signed "baby". When I ask him what a baby says he screams! He is such a soft, laid back kid the transition should go smoothly. He does, however, want A LOT of my attention.
I've signed him up for Gymboree because there is little to do here in Indiana in winter. Plus, he loves all the singing, bubbles and the parachute. Originally, I signed him up for the 16-22 month old class. He did great but our physical therapist encouraged me to move him up to the 23-28 month class. To my great surprise, he's keeping up well with his peers! I couldn't be prouder.
What he can sign has taken off in the past month. It includes, but is not limited to, mine, all done, more, jump, slide, baby, mommy, play. I always make him sign "mommy play" to me instead of just dragging me across the room! We have library story time starting on Monday's so most of our week is pretty full. I'd love to go to the pool more but my butt no longer fits in my bathing suit...that's right 25# and counting! Should I stop drinking whole milk???
Alex's eating has also greatly improved in the past month. The kid will "taste" anything but he's started actually crewing and swallowing more and more. Yesterday, he ate the equivalent of a whole piece of ravioli! We see a dietician twice a month who organizes his feeds based off his growth. In the next few months she wants to cut his tube feeds back to make him hungrier and eat more by mouth. I'm hesitant until he eats well at breakfast. Alex weighs in at 25 pounds and is 34 inches tall...which is just tall enough to reach the water dispenser on the refrigerator :/
Caroline is also doing great! Big update on her next week!
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