Alex is back to his old self. In the past few days he's been standing by himself for about 10 seconds or until he realizes he's not holding on and freaks! We've been working hard on stacking and he's got it! He gets SO proud of himself when he knows he got it right! Oh, and in other big Alex news he signed "more" for the first time today! He wanted "more" of his fav TV show and "more" on his swing!!
Lauren is back to her old self too. She's sitting up longer and longer everyday. She now gets up on four point (the crawling position) for about 30 seconds with NO help! We got in her Tumbleform therapy chair...just when you thought the house looked like babiesrus exploded in here we added another chair. It sits her in a really good position even though she is almost at the point she doesn't need it...If only we had this a year ago!
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