This blog is to chronicle the ups and downs of life with one medically complex toddler, one angel baby and one high risk pregnancy. This is our journey.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

cough, cough, cough

Alex's chronic cough is driving me crazy! He has been on 4 rounds of steroids, 3 rounds of antibiotics and numerous trips to the doctor since September. Since the end of august he hasn't had a cough for 3 weeks. I can live with the chronic's when he starts having a bad cough at night I start to worry. This past Tuesday night he coughed every 2-3 minutes for 4 hours. Yes, 4 hours. I did breathing treatments and pulse ox check at 3 am which did nothing more than wake him up for party time for the next two hours! We saw his lung doctor on Friday who changed not only his inhaled steroid but the method we were giving it in. We were doing blow-by pulmacort and now we're doing 2 puffs (with a spacer) of Flowvent. This medthod is much quicker but MUCH more horrific for Alex as we need to press the spacer against his nose and mouth until he takes 10 breaths...usually 10 screaming breaths.

The pictures are of Alex working hard on Playdoh at his new kids table and with his new one told me boys need their haircut once a month!

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