This blog is to chronicle the ups and downs of life with one medically complex toddler, one angel baby and one high risk pregnancy. This is our journey.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

And Alex is sick again,,,

I figured I'd better update my blog or lose my audience! Alex has been sick again for the past 2 weeks. AT this point he is almost over it with only a snotty nose and a few coughs remain. In the past 2 months he has been on steroids for 17 days. This means there has been very little growth. I'm hoping to get a few good months of him off steroids for him to continue to grow! He still eats very little by mouth. Maybe 50 calories a day. We have started bolus feeding him in the past few weeks . Now, instead of his feeds taking 45mins they take 5! This also means that Alex does not have to sit in his highchair for all that time. All the by wants to do is be on the go! Alex went to his first friend's birthday party last weekend. We went to the mall to "build a bear" but he was WAY more interested in pushing a trash can around the mall! He loves to drag and push things across the floor. I was thinking about getting him a child's size toy stroller but it seems too feminine. None of the boy equivalents are very sturdy (ie lawn mower etc) Prayers needed for Alex to stop getting sick and start GROWING again!


  1. How about a little shopping cart? We got a metal one at either Target or WalMart.

  2. You should get him a little shopping cart!
