We're in the lull of 2 winter storms BOTH with potential to knock out power...this is VERY scary to me. Here's the plan...we have a back up battery for lauren's vent. This will last 9 hours. This however, will not power all her other electronic equipment (ie pulse ox, neb, humidifier, feeding pump etc) Nor will it power our furnace. We do have a back up generator we borrowed from a neighbor (thanks Tom!) But this will not power our furnace either and we cannot build a fire (with 6 oxygen tanks in the house!!) So the plan... the power goes out and I switch Lauren to the back up battery (we should get another back up battery in today) then we would start the generator to run her other things once they run out of power. If more than 5 hours goes by without power we'd call the ambulance to get a ride to the hospital. We did fine though last nights ice storm but we've got another one coming! Pray for no power loss!
In a further note I am going to make this blog private. If you'd like to continue to follow then just send me your email address and how you know the twins and I'll add you to the list! My email is mkrothrn@yahoo.com We will go private in about 2 weeks!
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