It's official...Lauren is a HAPPY baby! If you knew her during her NICU days you would know that was NEVER the case. She would need CONSTANT calming she's happy EVEN when she has a poopy diaper! Her personality is developing more and more every day. We got in 2 new nurses this week and I think they will work out great. They have tatally replaced the male nurse we had. He was fine clinically. I never worried about Lauren's safety with him. He just didn't "mother" Lauren the way a women would. My biggest criteria is that you LOVE Lauren. You WANT to play with her. You WANT her to do well. The rest can be taught. In Alex news he's crawling faster and faster around the house. He still hasn't mastered going DOWN the 2 steps into our family room. We officially got Medicaid for 2011 (the letter came in the mail). For us to quilify I've had to make some finincal sacrifices so I figure, since we quilify why not get WIC? (it's a program for free food for women, infants and children under 5). So I take Alex to the WIC offfice (I HAD to bring him in or they wouldn't qualify me) and refuse to let him touch ANY of the toys. The I sit down to see what they will give ALex for food. It went somthing like this:
"does he eat cheese"
Does he eat bread"
"does he eat beans?"
"does he eat whole fruit?"
"maybe you could bled the whole fruit down and make your own baby food"
blank stare.
Obviously this women doesn't know me.
Becuase he is technically over 1 year old they wouldn't qualify him for baby food. WHAT HE ACTUALLY EATS even though he is not 1 year adjusted to his due date. I finally gave up and just accepted what they would give us. I AM looking forward to the day he DOES actually eat those things!
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